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IWAC Meeting 10-13-15

IWAC Agenda MastheadAGENDA
October 13, 2015     1:30 – 3:30 PM
Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District
22510 E. Mission Avenue, Liberty Lake, WA 99019

Welcome & Introductions
Agenda Additions or Revisions
Approval of Meeting Minutes for October
Financial Report

Old Business
IWAC Website: Review and provide guidance for developing website. Given current budget, the basic architecture is set per earlier guidance. Sections, categories and content are open for revision.

New Business
Nomination and Selection of IWAC officers
IWAC Bylaws Article 5.3 Appointment and Term of Office: The officers of this Corporation shall be appointed annually by the Members. Each officer shall hold office until a successor shall have been appointed.  Please email nominations to [email protected] or submit nominations at the meeting. All positions are open for new leadership opportunities and the position of Secretary is currently vacant due to resignation.

Workshop Discussion Topics:

  • IWAC member data sharing: 2015 drought Impact, production numbers, conservation measures implemented, and aquifer level monitoring.
  • IWAC as an umbrella organization and regional “brand” for SVRP aquifer education and outreach efforts, modeled after successful programs like org or to unify educational efforts in the Spokane and Kootenai County region by purveyors, stormwater, wastewater, etc. – Jeremy Jenkins and Bijay Adams

 Updates Around the Table
Committee Reports: Water Modeling, Water Use, and Education and Awareness
Spokane River Stewardship Partners, Spokane Regional Toxics Task Force

Agenda for November 10, 2015
Handouts: Agenda, September Meeting Minutes

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